Thursday, August 03, 2006

standards of living

i work in a company where a good percentage of the men are either hitched or mo. the unfortunate result is a severe case of work goggles. much like beer goggles, work goggles alters your perception of good looking. but instead of being fueled by cheap grain alcohol alternating with even cheaper domestic beer, work goggles run on sheltered boredom and repetitive mind-numbing inanity.

take exhibit a (prospective freelance designer): tall-ish (i'm usually sitting down so my perspecitve is always a bit questionable), young-ish (i blame staring at a computer for 10 hours a day for my skewed sense of age recognition), well-dressed-ish (compared to the typical shorts and flip flops fare that is so typical of footloose and fancy free pop culture wielding media companies these days) and handsome-ish (no scapegoat for this judgement call... uh, sorry).

if he gets hired i'm going to need a second opinion.


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