can someone please tell me why some men insist that wearing socks and flip flops is an acceptable way of dressing in public? i'm not talking about letting the dog out or tossing the garbage - this is full-fledged "man about town" socks and flip flops. it's basically an anatomically lower version of camel toe. translation = while i can forgive the popped collars, the baggy pants, the trucker hat -- well, maybe not the trucker hat -- the socks and flip flops is truly a crime. i should carry around handcuffs.
update: i've just been informed that they make socks specifically designed for flip flops. they can be found at not one, not two, but three different online retailers (i'm sure there's more but i'm just that lazy). and apparently it's not just because it's 35 degrees outside and you are dying to wear your flip flops because they like totally go with your outfit. for the japanese, the split toe socks are called tabi, which are worn because "the separation of the big toe is said to have health benefits as the flexing of the big toe both relaxes and stimulates the brain."
so here i am condemning the fashion faux pas when all along i should be praising these guys' ingenuity and perhaps even going to the lengths of emulation. perhaps not... after all, camel toe is camel toe, and that's not the kind of brain stimulation that i'm seeking to elicit.
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