Friday, April 28, 2006

time travel is lonely

went to the vanderslice show last night at the mercury lounge. now i love the mercury lounge - nice sound, intimate space - but there's something about that venue that, well, stinks. it consistently smelled like a cross between rotting beer and bulldog farts. not as bad as sex panther, but i'm sure it's close. and speaking of bad, we first had to suffer through the folky injustice of death vessel (aka "the opening band that sucked"). true to his foreboding name, i felt like cutting myself, starting with my ears. once vanderslice came on stage, however, all was rectified and the awful memories of that falsetto-singing, typanic-membrane-killing, joni-mitchell-and-all-that-is-right-about-folk-music-butchering, slight of an opening act (which somehow got a pitchfork rating of 7.2 - those pitchforkers sure are nutty!) was a thing of the past. the slice was not a fantastic live set... decently good. but what they lacked in energy and stage presence they more than made up for in cello and drums. definitely the highlight of that show.


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