Thursday, March 30, 2006

st. john the divine

if you work in a large office building, you have a favorite bathroom stall. don't deny it, there's one that you almost always use for some reason or another. the one closest to the door - laziness/hurry. the furthest one - maximum privacy. personally, my favorite is the third from the back because the door frame is tight enough that the door stays closed so i don't have to slide the lock in place. then i can both open and close the door with my foot, without having to touch anything that may have been previously touched prior to handwashing (yes, completely motivated by paranoia). however, sometimes there are cataclysmic circumstances that prevent the usage of said favorite toilet. and honestly, i get a little crushed every time that happens. mostly disgusted, but still slightly disheartened. so anyway, the point of all of this inanity: this morning my choice loo was unusable. this afternoon, it was back to its normal sparkling self. someone must have manned up to ridding that stall of "dear god that's disgusting!" so this bud's for you, ms. vomit-worthy-toilet-flusher. you are indeed a real woman of genius.


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