free advice (for killing yourself)

[free advice] it's cold. wear a hat. now be gone with ye!
the judes and i went to central park on sunday for the pet adoption festival. while wandering around, we passed by these two guys sitting on a bench with a free advice sign and an empty folding chair. i was tempted, but i didn't take them up on their offer. mostly because there is a girl here at work who offers her own free (and often unsolicited) advice. except she's also playing the role of snl's debbie downer. and lucky lucky me, i have the grand honor of sitting 10 feet from her open office. here's what i've overheard this morning...
"well once your organs stop functioning on their own, it's all downhill from there."
"you may not want to hear this, but it's the truth. you should put your cat to sleep."
"think about the here and now. what kind of crap do i want for lunch?"
it's gonna be a bright bright bright bright sunshiney day
i think i love that idea. i am going to go to rittenhouse and put up my own sign that says, "free bitching."
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