saints and i love this band

[saints and lovers] i want to pet them. and then put them in my pocket.
i don't know how i came across this band. sometimes i acquire so much random music (my ipod gets around) that i don't remember where i got it from (kinda like a hooker with an std). but anyway, i was sitting in the subway this morning when a saints and lovers song came on. it filled my head with melodic pleasure (akin to erotic pleasure, but a bit more satisfying). it was like jeff buckley passion with u2 grandeur. i was enamored (you don't know this but i just typed that really slowly with dramatic pauses and emphatic finger gestures). then and there i made a vow to google them as soon as i got to work. and i did. and i found out that they play in new york. (yay). in fact, they played last night. (boo). but they'll play again. (yay). october 12 at scenic. who's with me?
here's a little taste. i'm gonna go buy the record as soon as it comes out. yeah, i said buy. it's that good.
like it was yesterday
mona by the window
kiss it goodbye
it's you
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