old people rock too

[wrens] like the coolest uncles you never had
yeah i'm totally an agist for calling the wrens old, but they are. and they know it too.
so i went to the wrens show and here's my reasoning: the arcade fire was playing summerstage. it was hot as balls outside and i didn't want to trek all the way uptown to sweat on a lawn and then sweat in the subway all the way home. then today i heard from someone who actually went that af was good but not fantastic (mostly because they were sitting outside of the gates and couldn't see inside - apparently af puts on a great stage show). so first we headed off to scenic to catch the natural history, foreign born and tom vek but they were sold out (even though the skinny britster doorman told me that they weren't - insert shaking fist). so then we wandered over to the merc to see the wrens. surprisingly, it wasn't yet sold out. i soon found out why - tickets could only be purchased day of show and the opening bands sucked. all five of them. ok they didn't all suck, but it was collectively bad enough to force me to sit it out on the sidelines. but then the wrens came on (at 1am, mind you - pretty late for old guys) and totally redeemed the entire evening. in short, yay. indeed, they rocked.
psa of the night: goblin cock is a band, not a pastime
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