ob-gyn barbie
so the last summer friday means bring your kids to work day. that's fine. they're all cute and dandy. one of my co-worker's daughters brought in her new doll - pregnant barbie. actually she's barbie's friend, midge...
[midge] note the denim ensemble, slightly mussed hair, and the fact that the baby is physically strapped to her waist, of course leaving two hands free for beers and cigarettes, and insert cross-eyed inbreeding florida panhandle joke here
midge, who can also come as an african american version bearing the same name, comes with a wedding ring, earrings and baby accessories. but no husband. that's because he's busy pulling a jude law.
and apparently the baby can be shoved into and removed from the dolls stomach. and better yet, you can also remove her stomach after she's had the baby. first of all, ew. secondly, now we're instilling the illusion that once you have the baby you magically go back to barbie-like bodily proportions. it's probably all an elaborate ruse by the national association of money grubbing plastic surgeons. way to get 'em while they're young.
midge looks crosseyed
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