Tuesday, September 13, 2005

mysterious skin

so i went to a clinic this morning to check out what's going on with my bum hand. after sitting in the waiting room for two hours, i finally got to see a registered nurse. the nurse looked at my hand and then called in the doctor. the doctor looked at my hand and called in another doctor (quite comforting, might i add). then two more nurses and three doctors later (i was surprised that they didn't call in the receptionist or the janitor), i walked out of there with a referral to a dermatologist and a promise to call them back and let them know what exactly was wrong with me. because, apparently, inquiring minds are want to know about disgusting skin anomalies. yay. i'm a freak.


At 9/14/2005 1:47 PM, Blogger FrannyD said...

what's wrong with your skin? can you post a pic?

At 9/16/2005 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunburnt fingers? How come the rest of you was spared? Were they all on the same hand?

That being said, I have a theory: we had copious amounts of lime juice on our hands all weekend from the mojitos. Maybe you failed to adequately wash a few fingers, and they consequently slow-cooked in the sun (basted in the acid of the lime juice) like Jimmy Dean sausages.

So, you should probably dip your fingers in mustard and nibble them down. Or sourkraut. I hope they weren't the good fingers.


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