manhunt (not womanhunt)

[manhunt] it's why you went to business school
so apparently there is a game of manhunt going down tonight on wall street. this time i won't not play because of my propensity cheat but rather because it's all the way down on wall street. i'm a downtownist, but i absolutely detest wall street. the area just evokes bad memories. i've had an interesting (more interesting bad than interesting good) summer interning at the stock exchange and can pretty much summarize the experience as a social studies experiment in post-frat behavior. i've had a bad date at delmonico's where i drank too much wine and insisted on walking home forty blocks up broadway. i've had a reckless cab ride to the seaport that involved whiplash and an ornery homeless man. and to top that all off, my stock portfolio is currently residing in the land of crapitude. alas, nothing good has come of wall street. (unless maybe there is a husband in store for me)
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