giggle all you want. i just don't like it.
i was at the gym this morning and it wasn't particularly crowded, yet somehow i felt as if everyone was invading my space. i get on a machine in an empty row and not two minutes into my workout, two people get on either side of me even when there are plenty of other open machines. the same thing happens on the mats. one of my huge pet peeves is feeling other people's sweat auras. i'm not touching them, but i can still feel their sweat. i shudder at the memory.then in the locker room, as i'm performing my post-shower routine, this horrible woman comes right up to the locker next to mine and proceeds to sit on the bench--about 3 feet from my naked self--and talk on her cell phone. apparently she was in no hurry to get to her workout because she sat there talking about absolutely nothing. "oh this restaurant is nice. oh that woman is nice. oh that woman's husband is nice. oh that woman's husband's boyfriend is nice. oh that woman's husband's boyfriend's little yappy dog is nice." she had nothing but good things to say. for ten minutes. i had nothing but bad things on my mind, but i couldn't exactly launch into a assault mode--neither tirade nor judo would be effective, as i was naked.
and on a completely unrelated, but somewhat similar topic...
is it buck naked or butt naked?
buck, as in buckey as in buck buck fuck duck muck
oh yeah, do you really get nakey at the gym? i see you as a half-towel like charlotte.
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