mazing.just came back from the best. weekend. ever. in the hamptons. good friends, good food and good weather all left me with some good memories and three sunburt fingers (and i have no idea how that happened). it left others with three counts of indecent exposure, two king's cup "winners", one broken toe and one busted lip. there was sporting, lounging, gaming, gorging, reading, gambling, boozing and nightswimming. i didn't take that many photos but perhaps ryry (who will soon become a citizen of the blogging world) will share some of his.
here's my album entitled "boredom and borders"
[chicken] i love posing with raw meat. it's just so inspiring.
[the gang] they will be releasing their debut album this fall. it will be called "financial consulting".
[mucky muck] they came. they swam. they got dysentery.
[girls] we said "no thanks" to the creek.
[swan chasers] also makes for a cute totem pole.
[paula] playing footsie with the fish.
[karen] new hotness indeed.
[grillmaster] contemplating the multiple uses of tongs.
[kings] adult beverages and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies = heaven.
and in case you cared, i'm totally suffering from post-hampton depression.
OMFG my lip hurts so much!!!! Ryan I shall have my revenge!
so if neither Karen nor I were involved in the "exposure" incidents, that only leaves... 10 possibilities!
It was so much fun. Anyone up for next time? Abhijit and I have been brainstorming =)
as to the indecent exposure, i believe it was the first night as a result of a car getting lost on the way to the house. ring any bells?
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