Sunday, July 31, 2005

canto vi

i'm getting deeper into the land of bloggers. it's sick and i hate/love/hate myself for being this way. i now actually jot things down as they occur, thinking, "this would be great fodder for an evening post." and of course, like any other self-accepting self-proclaiming blogger, i also read other people's blogs religiously. it's actually quite easy to get lost in the maze of links. however, woe is me tonight when i stumbled upon this. talk about meta. and then within that site there's a list of bloggers, grouped by a-list to c-list. and then there's this. i have - no words to - i, um, what? seriously? you're not - ok... yeah.

i'm not being hypocritical, i'm just drawing the line. a little to the left... yeah, right there.


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