Wednesday, June 29, 2005

urban meander

i have total respect for those city couriers, especially those on bicycles. they're always fast and fearless and they have great calves. however, this morning i see an urban express guy walking up broadway from 43rd toting a moderately full messenger bag, a small box, and a cane. not a pimp cane, not a gangster cane, but a full on ergonimic grip and four little rubber feet at the bottom of a lightweight aluminum post cane. i passed him at the corner of 43rd, walked halfway up the block, popped into the deli for a bacon, egg and cheese bagel and then caught up to him before i hit 44th. now, i'm not discriminating against those who are physically impaired, but a job that is solely based on speed of service isn't exactly eoe.


At 6/29/2005 11:50 AM, Blogger Mona said...

I found you by randomly leafing through blogs. Don't know what the first commenter is all about...but I just wanted to say that I thought your entry was interesting.

Perhaps urban express isn't as worried about speed? Maybe they're trying on a different image?

Maybe the guy is temporarily disabled, or given only the jobs that don't require the speed, or are nearby?

Who can only ponder.

At 6/29/2005 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say random commenter much?



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