hold tight
we're in for nasty weather, indeed.
...less kilt, more cool...
danny-go-go and i caught david byrne last night at central park's summerstage under grey skies and unforgiving rain. it was good, relatively clean, fun. the crowd was very diverse... all ages, all sizes, all levels of sanity. there were swaying hippies, puddle jumpers, dancing with the stars*-wannabees, and then there was this one odd and obviously suburban middle aged couple. from the minute the talking head went up on stage, these two had absolutely no regard for rain, rhythm or the eyesight of others.
to elaborate, mr. spastic wore one of his i'm sure many many calloway golf shirts tucked into mid-life crisis length shorts and sported sockless loafers, which he proceeded to take off about two songs in. oh i almost forgot the clincher - his receding hairline covering baseball cap. it was not only worn frontwards, backwards, and everyway in between, but also on more than one occasion used as an attempt to barter with other slightly inebriated concertgoers (the show was sponsored in part by reingold) for items such as cigarettes, t-shirts, buttons (twice) and another hat (this one of the bucket persuasion) - but all to no avail. so take note, middle aged dancing men everywhere: nobody wants your hat. and now onto the mrs... dressed in a racerback aerobics tank, mom jean shorts (you know, the ones with the elastic sides for mom's comfort), and clark's sandals, her dance skills can only be described as a precise combination of denise austin's salsa workout and her own homebrewed batch of crazy. it was like an interpretive dance to her own (what i can only hope as chemically induced) streams of consciouness. needless to say, it was talking baby/car wreck mesmerizing. i could barely see david byrne over the ocean of umbrellas, but i had front row access to mr. and mrs. left the kids with the sitter for a couple days.
oh yeah, mr. byrne was good too. still had that captivating voice, which coupled with the gorgeous six piece string ensemble to the left of him, was almost hypnotic. and what a show it was.
*on a different (yet somehow related) note, co-worker julia told me all about this dancing with the stars show that's on abc. apparently it's pairs celebrity "dancers" with "professional" dancers. then she told me that j. peterman was on it. i was intrigued. i looked it up online only to find that poor attention starved rachel hunter was on it as well (even though she was eliminated already). she really should have stopped at stacy's mom. but then she did the real gilligan's island and i hate to admit that i watched it. and now this? if she's in next season's surreal life then i'll... actually i really wouldn't do anything. i'd just be a little sad for her. ok back to the celebrities dancing... wha? noooo... multiple heavyweight champion (not the crazy one) evander holyfield? are you kidding? hmm... i guess not.
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