Monday, June 06, 2005

fuck monday

more specifically...

i hate the girl who sits at my desk when i'm gone because she drinks all my water and moves everything around. then when i ask her which water bottle (out of the 6 that are open on my desk) is mine, she says that she forgot so i throw all of them away.

i hate covering for people and then getting called out on it. i am not your blame monkey.

i hate being guilted into doing favors. if you want me to do something, just ask. i don't need your 20 minute story.

i hate people who take their sweetass time even when they know that you're waiting for them.

i hate my job. now more than ever.

update: more hatred...

i hate when parents extoll the virtues of their respective genius children. it would be refreshing if i heard a mother say, "yeah, she's not very smart. we're also banking on her growing into those elephant ears." i would so applaud her.


At 6/06/2005 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but you're ok with extolling the wonderfulness of genius adorable dogs, right? RIGHT??



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