Monday, June 20, 2005

always the same

every monday, it never fails. i see the same guy at the gym on the stair climber with his short red shorts. i see the same guy on the train with the bluest blue eyes. my co-worker asks me how my weekend was in the most sickingly sweet voice and i say "fine. and you?" never actually caring for a reply. and then i open my e-mail box to a slew of "i was so drunk on friday (and/or) saturday" and "when are we going out this week?" every. single. frickin. monday. is this what my life is coming to? when did routine become frightening? and when did new york become routine? feck.


At 6/21/2005 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turns out that skipping Monday altogether to avoid the dumdrum-yuckiness doesn't actually make it go away. Cuz the same lame ass coworker schleps in at half past nine, sweaty and smelly, same as Mondays. The same other lame ass coworker squicks in at half past ten pretending it's still only ten and tries to cheese his way into everyone's hearts w/targeted "Good morning!s" and somewhere in between or afterward ze boss pops in. But no objections to him as he will chauffeur certain someones to wherever she needs to be so she can go play over the weekend. And be an ATM too!
But I still highly recommend the three day weekend.


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