Monday, May 16, 2005

there is a naked guy outside my window

ok more like ugly naked guy.

my office building is adjacent to (ok, it's like rubbing up against) a marriott hotel so we're often privy to the various guest room going-ons. we've seen everything from little kids making faces in the windows to mid-morning porn-quality trysts. usually it's limited to a couple minutes of workplace entertainment but this time it's been at least 4 and a half hours. ugly naked guy has been pacing around his room, perhaps deciding whether or not he should face the world of clothed people. he'll sit on his bed for a while and then get up and walk around, mildly gesticulating as if in conversation with himself, and then sit down again. once or twice he has put on a towel - although i think he used the one that's sized between the hand towel and the bath towel - but he solemnly reverts to nakedness after a couple minutes.

it would be creepy if it weren't so sad and pathetic.


At 5/16/2005 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be filed under: New York, the naked ape on your back


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