prostitution is fun
but making fun of arrested prostitutes is better...i'm actually not sure how i came to this site but for your viewing pleasure, i'll share it with you. without further adieu, here is the hooker roundup:

all ms. harper wanted was to be loved. and crack.

falicia fellatio, as the boys always called her. she never let the little things like jail time or chlamydia get her down. she always told her 17 bastard children to keep smiling no matter what.

ashley always loved her t-shirt from urban outfitters that said: "i da ho? no u da ho!" because of the irony. (she really was da ho)

donald was a vietnam vet, a loving husband and a compassionate grandfather. his only fault was his penchant for bad hip hop and prostitutes. it was noted that the cops caught him singing, "she only want me for my pimp juice."
do they do this in every city?
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