Tuesday, May 10, 2005

false alarm, hyperventilate anyway

the emergency alarm went off in our building today. then security came over the loudspeaker saying, "there is a police investi-... uh... there is a problem... uh... there is... the high rise and low rise elevators are suspended due to... uh... a situation on the 36th floor..." meanwhile in the background you can hear people shouting, sirens are going outside the building, and i could have sworn someone said, "oh jesus." yes. don't panic indeed.

everyone's pretty nonchalant about the whole thing so i was too until somebody asked me if i had on comfortable shoes. why? because i may have to run down 30 flights of stairs. now i'm freaking out a little. if you saw me when my house burned down you would understand that i'm a little melodramatic when it comes to destruction and melee.

but then it was just a false alarm.


At 5/10/2005 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pft, your entry (you drama queen!) was enough to make me choke on my double double ... and then I clicked on your ever-obliging link to your friends' blog and just about died.
Disturbing thought for the day: someone thinks that I can eat a double double, fries and a drink in one sitting. Oh wait, PLUS another burger. And a root beer. That's the second drink. And make that two people who believe this is right. Holy crap, I AM obesity in waiting.

At 5/11/2005 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had a heart attack for three minutes. thank god the guy that runs the fire drills came on and announced it was a false alarm...dude before him had me up against my boss' window trying to see if there were helicopters hovering above our building....ass.


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