Wednesday, May 11, 2005


this is what random website clicking gets you:


"je vais plaider la plus ridicule des causes; il n'existe rien de plus bafoué en civilisation que l'amour sentimental."

"i will plead the most ridiculous of all causes; nothing is more flouted in civilization than sentimental love."

charles fourier,
le nouveau monde amoureux.

the sublime passion that makes humans feel like gods, seemingly useless and irrational, mysterious and uncontrollable, always surging despite repression, the longing of both the rich and the poor... what are its degrees? how can it be achieved? here are its possible developments, ranked by increasing efficiency:

* simple celadony: one purely spiritual relation;
* composite celadony: one compound relation (both physical and spiritual);
* bimodal celadony: one spiritual relation and one compound relation;
* multimodal celadony: one spiritual relation and several compound relations.

angelic couples (who do not give themselves to each other until they have satisfied dozens of other suitors) lead multimodal celadony to its most glorious heights, providing love's public service.

(there's much more, check out the site)

attractions are proportional to essential destinies

so... from my elementary understanding of this rather convoluted concept, this guy fourier has equated love to fate.



At 5/12/2005 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me: huh?

At 5/12/2005 9:08 PM, Blogger Derek said...

very nice blog

At 8/26/2006 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's talking about ownership. No ownership --> Free love! the 60s is what he was talking about.


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