Tuesday, April 05, 2005

things that suck.

the weather was absolutely beautiful today. too bad i stayed at work til 7:30. that sucked. here are more things that suck as well:

3 girls sharing a 700 sq ft apartment, working out next to a smelly person, tons of finely chopped cilantro ruining otherwise yummy guacamole, dropping my cell phone (again and again), not remembering someone's name (after you've asked at least twice already), broken cd cases, spiral staircases.

getting my heel stuck in subway grates, stifling a coughing fit during important meetings, men who bathe in cheap cologne, getting sweaty in the elevator, red wine stains, close talkers, slow walkers.

otherwise normal sized people assuming double-wide position on the escalator, "back in 5 minutes" signs when you're in a hurry, server maintainence at most inopportune times, unattended cell phones incessantly ringing, people who shoulder-hover.

illustrator freezing my computer, peeling an orange and then dropping it on the floor, slamming my wrist into doorknobs (or knees into desk corners), people who don't know what they're talking about but insist that they're right, losing an earring.

photocopier warm up time, people bending over backwards for executives (and kissing major ass), buttons falling off my coat, and having to stop writing my blog because i have to get lunch for my boss.


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