glory days

i miss the days of sitting on big floor cushions, watching rainbow brite episodes that my mom taped for me and eating cold ravioli with my fingers. i miss going to bed before 9pm and trying my hardest to stay awake as long as possible on saturday nights but never making it past 10:30.
i miss fighting with my brother and locking myself in the bathroom as to avoid his noogies. i miss playing kickball and thinking it was a real sport. i miss trading stickers with my friends and never actually using them. i miss playing with my little ponies and wishing that unicorns were real (and just as cute and colorful).
i miss sitting in the backseat of a car and not paying attention to traffic rules. i miss creating imaginary borders between my brother and myself. i miss getting my very first cassette (beach boys) and cd (rhythm nation). i miss my mom waking me up every morning with her cold hand treatment.
i miss the feeling of wanting to be grown up so i could finally break free from the chains of my adolescence. i miss measuring my height and marking it on the wall (and cheating a little too). i miss ayso soccer games and ballet recitals because we'd always get to celebrate afterwards.
i miss getting yelled at for getting rainbow sherbet when we went out for ice cream with my dad always saying "it's just sugar water!" i miss going on errands with my parents and falling asleep in the car.
i miss having only 2 pairs of shoes to choose from. i miss my white roller skates with yellow wheels and stopper. i miss getting really excited for mcdonalds. i miss making up songs and singing at the top of my lungs without a care in the world. i miss jumping headfirst into a pile of stuffed animals on my bed.
i miss my dad kissing me on my sleeping forehead before he left for work. i miss not having a wallet, keys and cellphone to worry about losing. i miss sunday mornings when my brother and i would fight over who gets the comics first. i miss not understanding doonsbury and the life of id.
i miss being proud of my ugly art projects like handprint turkeys and misshapen clay pots. i miss walking my dad to the couch after he falls asleep at the dinner table. i miss farting and giggling to myself. i miss "helping cook" dinner by handing things to my mom or dad.
i miss climbing trees and scaling fences. i miss taking night walks with my dad because i got to bring along a flashlight. i miss crying in my closet because nobody understood my complicated life. i miss my vivid imagination, which often was the only thing i needed.
when did i become so jaded?
Legends Fridays. Sometimes, all you need in life: an order of Legends fries and an enormous root beer float to go around.
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