for the love of all things interesting and relatively useless
sweet german pope i'm bored. so i decided to surf. not wanting to succumb to the familiar lure of my favorites list, i felt the need to type random words into google and see what came of my e-exploration. so here are a few items of current intrigue:this is a vititar. yes, akin to the (n)ever-so-cool keytar of devo fame. it controls the visual background that is usually projected onto a screen behind the band. lucky is the nerd who rocks this baby on stage with the rest of the band.
this is a clock. it's supposed to be 12:34, but to me it just looks like piet mondrian-o'clock. all art history analojokes aside, those crazy people at are indeed uh... crazy. like a fox! ok, moving on.
it turns tv's off. marketed for use in restaurants, bars, and even laundromats to get people to pay attention to other people and/or the task at hand. apparently it's supposed to jolt us eye-swirling zombies out of our tv trances so that we won't waste 10 years of our lives on mindnumbing programming. yeah whatev. to whoever said that television is dumbing down america, i should sick alton brown and those two guys from mythbusters on you to show you who's dumb. and the cast of the o.c. (who will just make you feel bad about your superficial inadequacies). so there.
that's it for now. until next time pseudo-nerd... out.
You rock, you little techno-geeky minx, you. Can I have your autograph?
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