not your average joe.
so the union square whole foods just opened, becoming my new grocery store of choice. you know i thought the whole foods was expensive in philly until i moved to new york. then i thought the food emporium was expensive until whole foods came. but i don't care. it's so tasty and it's all i have to work with. god i miss trader joe's though. it was the best thing to happen to frozen dumplings, salsa verde, mud pies, granola and cheap wine all under one fabulous roof. a while back i heard rumors of a trader joes moving to the union square vicinity. was it all a dirty dirty trick or is there some grain of truth? if anyone out there has any information as to the whereabouts of joe (who also goes under the name of jose, jacques, ming, darwin or giotto), please let me know.and for that matter, if anyone wants to start a petition for a trader joe's in manhattan, i'll glady supervise the process. perhaps you don't understand my plight. every now and then i'll check their website for locations in new york only to be mocked by names that i have no idea where the hell they are is upstate or li suburbia (i'm from california - i'm eastcoasttarded). it hurts me every time.
please joe, move to manhattan! it'll be fun. i promise.
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