it's good to be




victor and rolf

[viktor&rolf] like silence of the ultra fashionable lambs
so designing for low-end brands is apparently the new black. luella bartley, tara jamon, isaac mizrahi and michael graves all went middle america for target. now, joining the likes of stella mccartney and karl lagerfeld, viktor & rolf will be designing a men's and women's collection for h&m. needless to say, i'm totally psyched.
here's a look at their fall collection...

if only goth was a trend in the 50s

very much digging the disassociated cuffs

prim, yet totally awesome

best used as cake-topper
happiness is a warm gun
i don't mind quotes that define you. that's what they're there for - to be researched online using relative keywords and then hastily plucked out of cyberspace and tagged onto your e-signature. sure, they're supposed to let the reader know something about your personality, but you have to realize that signature quotes are like tombstones - they'll stay with you forever. here's a few examples i've come across...
"Happiness is the Best Adventure on Earth!!" - thankfully, i read this on an empty stomach. otherwise, i'd be typing on a vomit puddled keyboard. note the unwarranted capitalization and egregious use of the double exclamation point. this quote can be roughly translated to "i live on antidepressants! wheeee!"
"There's a Natural Mystic Blowing Through the Air" - again with the overcapitalization. but the main point here is that this dude loves marley... especially while he's smoking that natural mystic.
"All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man" - and that man was... you? are you saying that you're a wise man and is this quote your excuse for your current state of idiocy? well played.
and now i will attempt to define myself with a few quotes...
"reality is wrong. dreams are for real." -- tupac
"to find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth." -- pearl s. buck
"i'm very important. i have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany" -- ron burgundy
is it wrong of me to be in love... with
can someone please tell me why some men insist that wearing socks and flip flops is an acceptable way of dressing in public? i'm not talking about letting the dog out or tossing the garbage - this is full-fledged "man about town" socks and flip flops. it's basically an anatomically lower version of camel toe. translation = ew.
so while i can forgive the
popped collars,
the baggy pants,
the trucker hat -- well, maybe not the trucker hat -- the
socks and flip flops is truly a crime. i should carry around handcuffs.
update: i've just been informed that they make socks specifically designed for flip flops. they can be found at not
one, not
two, but
three different online retailers (i'm sure there's more but i'm just that lazy). and apparently it's not just because it's 35 degrees outside and you are dying to wear your flip flops because they like totally go with your outfit. for the japanese, the split toe socks are called
tabi, which are worn because "the separation of the big toe is said to have health benefits as the flexing of the big toe both relaxes and stimulates the brain."
so here i am condemning the fashion faux pas when all along i should be praising these guys' ingenuity and perhaps even going to the lengths of emulation. perhaps not... after all, camel toe is camel toe, and that's not the kind of brain stimulation that i'm seeking to elicit.
you look stupid
the mere fact that it's a monday after a beautiful sunday does not warrant stupidity.
this morning in the elevator a pair of co-workers enter with the usual inanity...
man: how was your weekend?
woman: good. yours?
man: nice. yesterday was great.
woman: yeah...
man: yeah... you ok? you look tired.
[me: palm to forehead slap]
woman: oh... really? do i? well maybe... i... uh... yeah.
man: no, well i meant... you normally... heh...
woman: no it's ok... it's monday, you know?
man: yeah... [sheepishly looks at feet]
so here's the lesson: men, never tell a woman that she looks tired. she will either translate it to: "you look like you were run over by a truck" or some variation of "your face needs serious damage control" and invariably hold a silent but deadly grudge (as women are wont to do). so unless you would like to be figuratively kicked in the nuts, approach with caution. stick to questions - even feigned interest is interest enough and we self-centered lasses always welcome the attention. if you must pass judgement (god help you), stick to neutral words... better yet, lie. we like that.
like sir charles's totally awesome musically inclined funk soul brother...
gnarls barkleyclick. turn it up. way up. dance.